It’s Hot!

The temperatures in North Texas are finally getting up to where they normally are in what has been a very strange year of weather so far. That means it’s hot outside, a fact that hasn’t escaped anyone. If I spend any extended amount of time outside in this weather I need a tall glass of cold water to recover!

The hot days of a Texas summer remind me of the first desire the rich man had when he found himself in Hades. Upon seeing Lazarus across the gulf he cried, “Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame” (Luke 16:24). I cannot imagine being in enough pain that a finger dipped in water could have any impact in helping me.

The reason for the rich man’s torment was the way he lived his life. Despite living successfully by the world’s standard, it is he, not the poor beggar Lazarus, who finds himself in Torments. This is not to say that wealth is sinful in and of itself, for the Bible also mentions many righteous rich men like Abraham and Job. Rather this account warns of the dangers of money. Not only is the love of money the root of evil, but it also can lead you to eternal damnation (I Timothy 6:10).

Abraham informs the rich man that Lazarus cannot provide a drop of water to cool his tongue because of the great gulf that is fixed between Paradise, where the righteous wait, and Torments, a place of punishment for the wicked. The physical world is the only realm where righteousness and evil dwell together. Luke 16 tells us about the Hadean realm, where those who have died await the judgment day. The gulf separates the two categories of inhabitants as they wait. The Book of Revelation reveals where all go after the wait is over. Revelation 21:8 describes the occupants of the lake of fire and brimstone and their punishment as the second death. It is the eternal punishment of Hell for the wicked. The righteous however are blessed with the city four-square where there is no night (Revelation 22:5).

The rich man’s second greatest desire in Torments was that his family would be informed by Lazarus about the penalty for dying in sin. When Abraham reminds the rich man that the words of Moses and the prophets should be sufficient for them, the rich man responds that they would repent if someone from the dead went to them. Abraham cuts to the heart of the matter with a sad truth, “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.” 

Faithful New Testament Christians understand this concept perfectly from living among the heathen in this sinful world. Jesus the Christ rose from the dead, yet so many continue to teach as commandment the doctrines of men (Mark 7:7). The chilling fact spoken by Abraham is a great reminder for those still living. If we are waiting for a personal and special revelation from God before we follow Him we will be in the same position as the rich man and his brothers.

It may be hot in Texas, but it is unbearable in Torments and Hell. May we all live our lives with the eternal in mind and forsake the cares of the world (Mark 4:19). Remember to set your affections on things above (Colossians 3:2).

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