About the Colleyville church of Christ
Members of the Colleyville church of Christ are simply Christians We are not a denomination. It is our goal to always please God, following the pattern established by the first church of Christ in the 1st century, revealed in the New Testament.
We have no creed or doctrine other than God’s Holy Word, the Bible, and we follow it book, chapter and verse, without adding to it or taking away from it. It is God’s desire that we strive for unity in our teachings of New Testament doctrine.
Our congregation is not part of or subject to any larger man-made religious organization. We do not elect a president or directors. Jesus Christ is the only head of the church (Matthew 16:18). We are a completely autonomous congregation, governed locally, just as the church in the first century was.
The Colleyville congregation is lovingly overseen by qualified elders who are to attend to the spiritual needs of the flock. Elders must meet the qualifications required by 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
We are currently overseen by 2 elders, Phil Gould, and Grant Puckett. Ross Haffner serves as the local preacher.