Plan A Visit
When you visit one of the services of the church of Christ at Colleyville you will find that we worship according to the New Testament pattern.
We value the importance of prayer in our worship of God. There are several times throughout our services that we are led in prayer to praise and petition our Lord.
The messages that come from the pulpit are relevant to life yesterday, today, and forever. You won’t need to walk away from our assembly trying to make sense of what the preacher said. We take the teachings of the Bible and turn them into challenges for daily living. Challenges that you’ll understand, and challenges that will lead you to a deeper understanding of and relationship with God.
Lord’s Supper
The early church ate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday (Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 10:16-17; 11:20-26). We partake of the unleavened bread which represents Jesus’ body. By partaking of the bread we are reminded of Jesus’ incarnate life, his teaching, ministry, and work–all he was and all he did. We also partake of the fruit of the vine which represents the blood of Christ, which was shed for the salvation of the world.
Our singing is a cappella. Paul commanded the early Christians to “speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16). As did the early Christians, we simply lift our hearts to the Lord and encourage one another through our song service. Our praise to God and encouragement to one another has a major role in all our worship services. We begin with song, prepare our hearts for communion with song, look towards the lesson of the day with song, and conclude our services with song.
The early church gave of their means upon the first day of every week ( I Corinthians 16:1). We have the honor and privilege of giving back to the Lord that which He gave to us. Each Christian is to give of his free-will according to what he has prospered.